Tuesday, May 5, 2009

PGPX..one month down...11 more to go..

Exactly one month down the road to....and I am still reeling under the confusion of what really hit me? was it a truck, a ton of bricks...no it was PGPX...

9 courses for the first term is what they should use in Gitmo for extracting details from the hardened terrorists, not unethical "waterboarding"...

A couple of quizzes and assignments have brought to light the big bad world out there...so long and so well were we ensconced in our secure jobs that PGPX is like a liberation out of the proverbial well of the frog.....

Blogging, photographing, having a drink and generally having a good life is not for the regular guy at IIM-A....no way....I will be lucky if I can get through twelve posts in the time that I spend out here...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

'Nandini' ....its official now....

24th February 2009, we named her Nandini....the function was small and so was the attendance...just us and our close family and friends...

She was an angel...so adjusting and accommodating...one would mistake her for a doll....may all the very best in life come her way....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our Angel is here at last..

So after a wait of over an year our little angel is here with us now...She arrived at 17:08 hours as a birthday gift to our dearest Pranav...yes what are the odds that she would be born on exactly the same day as Pranav..! Now the three days here in London looks insurmountable....just want this to get over and be with them...they told me she is a healthy child and that she has loads of hair on her head, weighs 3.6 kilos and is a chubby little princess ....aah...just to be there now...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Its all done now...London goodbye next week

So finally an era comes to an end of sorts...cleared all the mess, sent all the cargo, handed the keys to Angela, sorted the stuff with the Council, water, energy and the letting agents...whew...thats some job now...

Kind of feel proud of what got achieved in the last few days...without doubt wouldnt be possible without the active and enthusiastic support from Harish and Arun...both have been awesome and totally grateful to them...will get my chance some day to repay the same hospitality and favour...right now its chill and wait until 30th Jan...India bound end of the month! Hopefully we would have our angel by then too...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

PGPX bound....

Ahh...the feeling is indescribable...after the long wait received the coveted letter of confirmation for PGPX 2009-10 on the 19th of December 2008! 

The weeks since have been nothing short of euphoric...well there is the odd anxiety about the challenging times ahead, much like a dash of lemon to the dish....making the experience even better...Now its wrap up time until end of the month and goodbye to london on the 3rd of Feb ....

So much to do ...so much to learn...and so many stars to meet....whoa....